Strategies lay out a plan or method and a series of maneuvers designed to achieve a specific goal. A strategy defines which actions you’ll take at each stage of a plan. A good strategy usually includes a “Plan B” in case something happens to thwart the initial plan.
One of the problems a woman faces when she chooses a goal is that she doesn’t make a plan that accommodates obstacles. And no matter what your goal, you can definitely expect something to get in your way. When you take the time to think a plan through, you are likely to come up with an obstacle or two that might include lack of money, a missing skill or certification or a missing network connection. When obstacles comes up, you can create a strategy to deal with it – as a part of the plan. By doing that you will help yourself stay focused and on track. In addition, strategizing your way out or through an obstacle will save your energy for when you have to deal with the unknown obstacles – those oh-so-special “treats” that might come in the form of something like a government requirement or a toxic person.
This month I’ll be sharing strategies that you can plug into your plans, either in the workplace (SmartWoman@Work) or in your New Beginnings reinvention.
If you have strategies that have worked for you, let’s hear them. If you have questions, ask me in Kelly’s Cafe and I’ll answer.
Have a great month – plan smartly and live victoriously!
What is the Victorious Woman Project?
Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.
blog: Victory Tips
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